Health &
Nova offers a wide range of services related to workplace health and safety hazards and compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS) regulations. Its professional staff can help recognize, identify, evaluate, and control potential employee health and safety problems in commercial and industrial settings.
Nova has significant experience in conducting workplace hazard assessments to evaluate potential employee safety or health risks and to assist clients in finding solutions that maintain compliance, improve prevention, or manage risks that may lead to workplace incidents and employee injury or illness. Nova’s experienced industrial hygiene and safety professionals help its clients provide a safe workplace environment, leading to improved productivity, compliance, training programs, reduced losses, and employees who come to work safely and go home safely.
Nova staff also develops, implements, and presents many programs for its clients, such as periodic audits, job design, hazard communication, confined space, lockout-tagout (hazardous energy), hearing conservation, respiratory protection, and Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER). It works with the full range of OSHA, CCOHS, health department, and right-to-know compliance issues.

Asbestos Management​
Nova’s group of asbestos professionals is dedicated to advising on, testing, and designing control systems for asbestos-containing materials.
Nova's Expertise
Nova’s professional staff includes Certified Industrial Hygienists, licensed Asbestos Inspectors, Management Planners, Supervisors, certified Abatement Project Designers, Air Sampling Professionals, and registered Professional Engineers and Architects. Staff members are trained at the National Asbestos Training Center (NATC) and McCrone Research Institute (MRI), as well as in Nova’s EPA-recognized training programs.
Nova conducts certified training programs for asbestos management that meet OSHA certification requirements for those working in facilities management.
Nova has developed the Jazz Asbestos Management Program, which is used by facilities managers in tracking asbestos concerns in their facilities. This software program also allows facilities managers to quickly identify existing asbestos concerns prior to any renovations.
Comprehensive Asbestos Building Surveys
Nova conducts asbestos surveys that meet EPA and OSHA requirements. Its computerized program can update, change, and maintain facility information, including floor plans, digital photographs, and training data, and allows for on-site and off-site property management of multiple facilities.
Specification/Contract Administration
Nova’s staff of project designers is EPA-certified to prepare small-scale asbestos abatement designs and specification to complete facility abatement projects. Nova manages abatement contracts from initial bid through final payment.
Contractor Oversight/Air Monitoring
Nova’s certified professionals provide abatement contractor oversight, project management, and on-site air sampling/analysis during asbestos abatement projects.
Operations & Maintenance Program (O&M)
O&M programs cover essential training information for operations and maintenance personnel and outline specific work practices to prevent or control the disturbance of asbestos-containing materials.
Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - Industrial Hygiene Services Group Leader
Email | 612-750-1229

Indoor Air Quality​
Nova has significant experience in performing Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) evaluations, monitoring IAQ remediation projects, developing corrective engineering procedures, training employees, and performing periodic audits. Sampling and testing can be performed to measure exposure to airborne microbiological contaminants, chemical hazards, or excessive noise or heat. Evaluations may also entail an analysis of building operations to develop strategies to control air quality, including installation of ventilation systems and modifications to processes and products.
Nova's Expertise
Nova has significant experience in IAQ investigations for commercial and residential facilities, microbial abatement monitoring, corrective engineering, employee training, and periodic audits. A combination of sampling techniques recommended by the American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) is utilized in all IAQ investigations performed.
Nova’s projects often address regulatory and liability concerns of employers or homeowners and respond to employee/resident questions or complaints. Typical IAQ investigations require a site walk-through to identify indoor conditions that may lead to symptoms of allergies, illness, and/or general discomfort. Sampling and testing are performed via culturing and non-culturing analytical techniques to measure bioaerosols (aeroallergens and/or bacteria) present in the air and building materials. The IAQ investigation also includes the inspection of and sampling of HVAC system(s) and associated ducting. Expert witness testimony and advisory services are provided to clients involved in health-related claims.
Remediation Project Design
Bid Services and Contract Administration
On-Site Remediation Oversight
Clearance Testing
Expert Witness
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's)
Particulate Identification
Dust Mite Allergens
Hydrogen Sulfide and Sulfur Dioxide
Mercury Vapor Testing
Infrared Thermography
Moisture Intrusion Assessment
Building Envelope Evaluation
Mechanical System Evaluation
Allergen Testing
Operations and Maintenance Programs
Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - Industrial Hygiene Services Group Leader
Email | 612-750-1229

Lead-based Paint Management​
Nova's Expertise
The professional staff at Nova includes Certified Industrial Hygienists, licensed Lead Inspectors, and lead-risk assessors.
Nova staff members are experts on new lead-based paint regulations for residential properties. They have completed numerous lead projects following HUD/FHA, HUD/EPA, EPA RRP, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, and other lender-specific requirements. Nova professionals routinely work with clients to meet federal and state requirements for lead-based paint.
Testing Methods
Lead-based paint investigations are completed using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrum analysis, paint chips, and soil samples. XRF surveys and inventories are accurate, timely, and cost-effective. This method causes little or no damage to existing finishes. XRF can also sample structural steel in building components. Paint chip sampling is also used for testing commercial steel structures. Samples are collected and submitted to a laboratory for analysis. All three methods meet federal lead-based paint testing requirements.
Lead Analysis Utilizing Handheld Nitro XRF Analyzer
Hazard Control Plan Development
Lead Inspections
Lead Risk Assessments
Lead Abatement Monitoring
Lead Clearance Testing
Collection and Laboratory Analysis of Drinking Water
Field Sampling for Lead in Paint, Soil, Water, Air, Steel, and Dust
Lead Toxicity Risk Assessments
Lead Remediation Design and Project Management
Observations and Testing During Abatement
OSHA Compliance
Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - Industrial Hygiene Services Group Leader
Email | 612-750-1229

Industrial Hygiene
Nova offers a wide range of services related to workplace health and safety hazards and compliance with health and safety regulations. Its professional staff can help identify, evaluate, and control health and safety problems in commercial and industrial settings, assisting companies in compliance with OSHA standards.
Nova's Expertise
Nova has significant experience in potential occupational exposure evaluation, indoor air quality monitoring, problem investigation, compliance review, corrective engineering, employee training, and periodic audits.
Nova staff also develops, implements, and presents programs for Hazardous Waste Emergency Operations and Emergency Response (HAZWOPER), confined space, lockout-tagout, hearing conservation, respiratory protection, and hazard communication. It works with the full range of OSHA, health department, and right-to-know compliance issues.
Typical Projects
Typical projects address employers’ regulatory and liability concerns and respond to employee questions or complaints. These projects require a facility walk-through to identify hazards that may lead to accidents, illnesses/quality of life issues, hearing loss, or repetitive motion injuries. Sampling and testing can be performed to measure exposure to airborne chemical hazards or excessive noise or heat. Evaluations may also entail an analysis of engineering control strategies, including ventilation systems, process modifications, or product substitution. Expert witness testimony and advisory services are provided to clients involved in health-related claims.
Air Monitoring
Noise Monitoring
Problem Investigation
Compliance Review
Control Engineering
OSHA Programs
Expert Witness
Thomas Fiorentino-Strawn | Vice President - Industrial Hygiene Services Group Leader
Email | 612-750-1229
Nova's Expertise
The professional staff at Nova hold the following certifications:
Certified Industrial Hygienists
Licensed Lead Inspectors & Supervisors
Certified Abatement Project Designers
Registered Professional Engineers & Architects
Certified Safety Professionals
Ask Us.
Nova Group, GBC (Nova) is an international advising firm providing innovative environmental and engineering services in the areas of risk assessment, investigation, management, compliance and corrective action activities.
Call: +1 855-440-9393
Email: info@novagroupgbc.com