Helping you Streamline the HUD CNA e-Tool Process
Download the current version of the CNA e-Tool here:
Validate the CNA e-Tool here:
CNA e-Tool instruction:
The Value of the CNA e-Tool
The Capital Needs Assessment (CNA) e-Tool automates and standardizes the preparation, submission, and review of a capital needs assessment. As of February 1, 2018, use of the CNA e-Tool is mandatory for all Federal Housing Administration (FHA) multifamily mortgage insurance applications, Rental Assistance Demonstrations (RAD) conversions, and 10-year update capital needs assessments for FHA-insured multifamily properties.
What information does the e-Tool provide?
Insurance Schedule – HUD Form 92329
Apartment Unit Conditions
Financial Factors (Initial Deposit and Annual Deposits over the term)
Assessment Summary Report
- Contact information for lenders, owners, needs assessors, energy professionals, and any intrusive testing companies
- Summary of the Property
- Full 20-year Capital Reserve Table broken down by components (site systems, MEP, structural, common areas, life safety systems, and apartment units)
- Critical Needs (Life Safety and ADA)
- Non-critical Items (to be completed within 12 months)
Helping you Streamline the e-Tool Process
Completing the e-Tool can be overwhelming especially with all the new data that is required.
The delivery of the new Project Capital Needs Assessment (PCNA) Report with e-Tool is 20-25 business days from the date of the site visit.
For properties that are 30 years and older, intrusive testing is now required. Nova recommends, at a minimum, that the electrical breakers, main panels, and switchgears be scanned with an infrared camera to pinpoint any anomalies within the systems that could potentially be a life safety issue to tenants. Nova also recommends that the sanitary sewer cleanouts be scoped for any back-ups, breaks, root intrusion, or other abnormalities within the sewer line. Note that additional testing may be required, based on the construction of the buildings.
Nova can provide the following services for HUD properties:
PCNA Report with CNA e-Tool
Intrusive Testing for buildings older than 30 years
ESA with HEROS Forms
Radon Testing
Lead-Based Paint Testing and O&M Plans
Asbestos Testing and O&M Plans
Energy Benchmarking and ASHRAE Level I, II, and III Energy Audits
Information needed at engagement:
Rent Roll: This should include square footage of each unit, whether the unit is vacant or occupied, unit type (1BR/1BA), and building the units are located in
Date of original construction and any rehabilitations
Owner: Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address
Lender: Name, Address, Phone Number, and Email Address
Land Title Survey
Completed Questionnaire
Certificate of Occupancy and building permits if the building(s) were constructed between 1990-1992. (This is the transition period of the enactment of the Fair Housing Act established in 1991. Properties constructed within these few years must show when construction began and ended to verify if compliance with the Fair Housing Act was mandatory.)
The following items are not required but will assist Nova in completing the PCNA Report and e-Tool:
Floor Plans
Certificates of Occupancy
Elevator, Fire Sprinkler, Fire Alarm, Boiler, Current Inspection Reports
CapEx for prior 2-years
Current CapEx
Construction Drawings, if available
Changes on the inspection samples:
Needs assessors are now required to look at 25% of the apartments located in each building and 25% of each apartment unit type.
Nova always asks that 100% of the property be put on notice in an instance where a specific unit is not available for inspection.
Feel free to reach out to Kristin Tate with any questions or for more information regarding these new guidelines.

Regional Account Manager/HUD Program Manager
Nova Group, GBC
Office: (281) 622-4664
Cell:Â (832) 401-8321