A $5,000 Green Rebate is available from Freddie Mac for first time borrowers on multifamily buildings with 20 or more units and an Energy Star Score.
Benchmarking your property also has the following benefits:
Quantify your utility expense risk
Establish a baseline
Assess the potential for energy savings
It's as Easy as 1-2-3
Provide 13 months of utility bills* for all fuels and Property Use Details**
Receive your Statement of Energy Performance with your ENERGY STAR Score
Submit your ENERGY STAR score with your delivery check list
Nova has extensive experience providing this service:
We are an ENERGY STAR Partner
We have benchmarked over 300 buildings in Portfolio Manager
Our staff has earned the Certificate of Proficiency in Building Benchmarking, demonstrating competence in the use of ENERGY STAR’s Portfolio Manager® tool.
Nova’s Strategic Energy Group will provide a phone consultation to discuss the results of your benchmark and optional solutions for reducing your energy consumption. Our goal is to work with building owners to reduce operating expenses and increase your bottom line.
*For online accounts, account numbers and authorization to access data will suffice. Your utility may provide aggregated data for all tenant spaces.
**Property Use Details include square footage, unit types and number of stories